This is the “ultimate in tire repair with hand tools.” You’d have to perform this task if your tire is completely shredded, or the repair you have to perform is major and cannot be done by breaking and removing one side of the tire from the rim. What I like about this task is that once you’ve mastered it, everything else with tires is easy sailing. … [Read more...]
Reparing Synthetic Winch Line
Anyone who has used a winch has seen, or will eventually see, a winch cable break or snap at some point. This dangerous condition has lead many Jeep and four-wheel drive owners to switch to synthetics for safety and weight savings. However, many people aren’t prepared to repair their winch line should it finally give-way. … [Read more...]
Destination North: A Sub-Zero Adventure
Spur of the moment! Back in October, a trip to Morocco we had been planning for a few months turned out to be difficult and impossible to accomplish. We needed a new destination to test out our 2007 Wrangler Rubicon Unlimited, and It didn’t take long to decide that turning the map upside down would offer a nice alternative: going north, up to the … [Read more...]
Karma in the Jeep World
Recently, I was on a camping trip with my son and we were sitting around the campfire telling stories. He’s only 9, but a very bright kid and we talk about some pretty amazing concepts. The subject of Karma came up (if you do good things, good things will happen to you — if you do bad things, bad things will happen to you) and I shared with him … [Read more...]
Off Road Trail Tools Broken Axle Tool
Crawling over that rock or waterfall, one eye on the road, the other on your spotter. Rubber starts squealing, you start getting some wheel spin and in that last second you give it some more gas to try to get it over. BANG, SNAP! You get this sick feeling in your gut as you just broke one of your rear axles. What to do now? … [Read more...]
Expediciones de las Mojave
Last minute notice of four open spots from, group for a Jeep Expedition across the Mojave, pronounced Mo-ha-vay. The trek included 120 miles across the open desert of the Mojave Desert Trail in Southern California. The starting point was Laughlin, Nevada with a finish destination somewhere near Barstow, California. Total Miles: … [Read more...]
The "Built For Off-Road" Adventure – Part II
Part I of the “Built for Off-Road” Adventure featured a tale about Mike Lawson and his travels with an Adventure Trailer in Colorado. The following is part two of his story: … [Read more...]
An Old Dog Learns New Tricks
What in the heck would make a seventy year old great grandfather give up the comfort and amenities of his thirty eight foot luxury motor home so he would end up sleeping on a $12 air mattress in a $24 tent, held down by big rocks on a field composed of crushed basalt and sticker burr weeds? … [Read more...]
Superchips Flashpaq for Jeep TJ & JK
You know those late night commercials for products that tout their ability to make you perform better in one simple little step? … [Read more...]