This is THE BOOK that every buyer of a 4x4 should be given as soon as he takes possession of his new wheels. … [Read more...]
Jeep & Mopar Announce Release of New Camper Trailer
*Press release from Jeep/Mopar Jeep® and Mopar® are setting up camp for off-road enthusiasts. They will be the first in the industry to offer customers off-road camper trailers. … [Read more...]
Recovery Techniques for Traction Failure Situations, or simply, “Getting Unstuck”
My wife used to think I enjoyed getting us into “predicaments.” Why else would I drive a perfectly good Jeep into the mud and over the rocks? She must have married a special kind of idiot who would do something so foolish again and again. … [Read more...]
From Zero to Hero
For many of us, the purchase of a Jeep is the beginning of a relationship; with the vehicle itself, with Jeep clubs, with new experiences, and new addictions. … [Read more...]
What is an Expedition Anyways?
ex-pe-di-tion (ĕk’spĭ-dĭsh’On) n. A journey undertaken by a group of people with a definite objective: an expedition against the enemy stronghold; a scientific expedition to the South Pole. The group undertaking such a journey. … [Read more...]
Rock Climbing in Oklahoma's Wichita Range
When people think of Oklahoma, they think of flat boring plains with tumbleweeds blowing across long straight highways. Nothing could be further from the truth. … [Read more...]
Jeep Adventures with the Whole Gang
When most people think of four-wheeling, it is often thought of more as hard-core excitement for the individual rather than an adventure suitable for the entire family. … [Read more...]
What’s in a Swaybar?
Sway bar, anti-roll bar, torsion bar, torsion beam, torsion spring. All of these terms are interchangeable, simply meaning a bar that can “twist” without breaking. The varying terms can cause confusion and for whatever reason, they are each preferred by one application or another; off-highway applications use the term sway-bar, sports car … [Read more...]