Driving for hours up a mountain in the snow, with the express purpose of sleeping outdoors in freezing temperatures, sounds like lunacy to most people. Nearly everybody I mentioned it to, in fact. Looking for someone to go with, I floated the idea to a couple of local Jeep clubs that I belong to. After all, misery loves company but in the end there … [Read more...]
I've Got the Winter-time, No Jeepin' Blues
It’s the coldest month in northern Minnesota and I’ve got the wintertime, no Jeepin’ blues. I can already hear you saying that I’m a wimp and should “man-up, Barbie” and get out on the trail, but hear me out. The weather forecast is for almost 20 degrees below zero this weekend, my heater only works on warm days, and there’s not much daylight yet. … [Read more...]
Dirty Day Job: On the Trail with Sedona Jeep School
In search of interesting Jeep jobs, Mark Stephens hit the road again and found himself in Sedona, Arizona, where he got taught a thing or two at Jeep School.. … [Read more...]
Mountain Khakis for your Outdoor Adventures
Mountain Khakis is an outdoor clothing line based out of Jackson, Wyoming. They offer several styles of clothing including pants, shirts, and hoodies, both for men, women, and kids. But their primary focus is the pants including a classic original, cottonwood cords (for women), alpine utility pant, and several other styles. I had the … [Read more...]
ALPS Mountaineering Fold-Up Table Combo
Multiple day, long distance trips present challenges that a typical day of off-roading rarely do. Many of those challenges deal with decisions of what equipment to bring, what supplies you need and how much room you have to carry them, especially if your trail rig is a CJ or Wrangler type vehicle. Usually for a short two to three day trip, I … [Read more...]
From Plains to Vistas – Palo Duro Adventure
While on the way to Palo Duro Canyon State Park, a sense of excitement and curiosity overcame me. This would be my very first Jeep Jamboree event, and I didn’t know what to expect. It was also the 20th anniversary for Jeep Jamboree, founded by Mark A. Smith, which made the event even more exciting. … [Read more...]
Spot II GPS Satellite Messenger
One thing I have learned over my many years of Jeeping is that you can’t do enough to be prepared for anything. We’ve all seen or heard about incidents that have gone bad on the trail. Many of these stories played a significant roll for me three years ago when I made my decision to buy a SPOT Personal Tracker and carry it anytime I go off-highway. … [Read more...]
1965 Jeep Gladiator J-300
The Jeep Gladiator was introduced in 1962 and based on the SJ Jeep Wagoneer. There were several designations for the Gladiator based on its wheelbase: the J200 for short wheelbase trucks until mid-1965 when it became the J2000; J300 for long wheelbase trucks until mid-1965 when it became the J3000; and the J4000 which featured an even longer 131” … [Read more...]
Crossroads of a Revolution
Over two hundred years ago a small area of the pinelands in New Jersey, referred to as the Pine Barrens, bustled with activity such as sawmills, glass-making factories, and your typical general stores of the era. … [Read more...]