Pyramid Lake is one of the world’s most beautiful desert lakes. Our base camp was located next to the 400 foot rock pyramid that rises out of the lake, along a sweeping sandy beach where beautiful Tufa rock formations add shape and texture to the landscape. It’s a challenge to find an ideal spot that will accommodate 70 – 100 people but we found it … [Read more...]
Practice Makes Perfect
Technology is an amazing thing. I hit my high trajectory golf balls with my graphite shafted, titanium-faced driver further than I ever could have with my old woods. Unfortunately, I now have to go deeper into the woods to find the ball that I sliced out of bounds. Of course, instead of spending my money on these fancy widgets, I realize now that I … [Read more...]
Sideways Winching Recovery
Last week we featured a two-part series related to winches and how to operate them. Today we're featuring a follow-up which includes winching recovery techniques from the side of the vehicle with a real-life example of the process. Special thanks to Tom Severin of for these videos. … [Read more...]
Mopar at Easter Jeep Safari
With Easter Jeep Safari about a month away, we thought we'd share a few videos featuring concept vehicles that Mopar Underground has had on display and on the trails in Moab. Each of these rigs is pretty awesome in its own right so kick back, enjoy, and if you can attend the 2011 Easter Jeep Safari to check out Mopar's latest, we're sure you won't … [Read more...]
24 Hours of Exhaustion
For twenty years the Camel Trophy was the ultimate display of what 4-wheel drive vehicles could accomplish. From 1980 to 2000, Land Rovers and Range Rovers, in every conceivable spec, traversed some of the most daunting and challenging areas on earth for weeks at a time. Another hallmark of the events was the emphasis on teamwork and mental … [Read more...]
Tales of a Texas-Sized Jamboree
I’m often asked, “Why would you pay $265.00 per person, NOT PER JEEP, Per PERSON, to attend a Jeep Jamboree USA® event when you can wheel at thousands of other venues and events around the country for less money?” Thankfully, there are a few hundred thousand people, with combined memories from a number of successful Jeep Jamboree events going back … [Read more...]
Winch Kit & Operating Your Winch
This is part II of our winch series provided by our friends from Badlands Offroad Adventures. The subject this time around is more specific to winches and how to properly operate them. … [Read more...]
Off-Road Slide & Winch Recovery
This three and a half minute video does a nice job of exhibiting four-wheeling and wet recovery techniques: … [Read more...]
Ouachita Jeep Jamboree
With the camper loaded and our Wrangler (Rubi) in tow, Alan, Scout (our Labrador retriever), and I headed for Hot Springs, Arkansas and the Ouachita Jeep Jamboree. A short seven hours later, we pulled into the Superlift ORV Park in Hot Springs. … [Read more...]