The story of Aron Ralston, an adventurer whose misfortune became the center of attention in 2003 when he self-amputated his right arm when it became lodged between a boulder and rock wall, has now been brought to the big screen in one of the most captivating films of 2010: 127 Hours. … [Read more...]
Creating Energy For Your Next Adventure
Colorado is one of the fittest states in the nation because its inhabitants are so lucky to be living near the Rocky Mountains where summertime is playtime for the majority of folks. Since there are so many activities offered, such as hiking, kayaking, camping, off-highway travel, and so much more, keeping the energy level up can be difficult when … [Read more...]
Hiking Longs Peak
I remember the conversation during a get together in May of this year. We were there to celebrate the end of the ski season. We were having a good time! Becky (my wife), Regina (a friend), and I were discussing climbing and Regina said she wanted to climb Longs Peak. … [Read more...]
Killington's 4th Annual Jeep Jamboree
Access the Inaccessible. That’s what it says on the home page of Jeep Jamboree’s website. As the largest ski resort in the Northeast, Killington has access to views of five states, as well as Canada, from atop its 3,967-foot summit at Pico. But thanks to the efforts of many, we can now access many of these wonderful views… in our Jeeps! … [Read more...]
Rocky Mountain Highs on Humboldt Peak
Road Trip Colorado
You would think with gas prices being what they are that road trips would become a thing of the past. Not so! Remember, you may not regret the trip you took, but you’re sure to regret the trip you didn’t take. … [Read more...]
Jeep Adventures with the Whole Gang
When most people think of four-wheeling, it is often thought of more as hard-core excitement for the individual rather than an adventure suitable for the entire family. … [Read more...]
Hiking Adventure at Zion's Checkerboard Mesa
Entering Zion National Park from the east entrance immediately reveals a colorful display of orange, brown and white slickrock that includes one of the parks landmarks, Checkerboard Mesa. … [Read more...]
Back Roads & Arching Vistas
Southeastern Utah is a gift for us all. The area has every thing an adventurer could ask for: Hiking, climbing, canyoneering, kayaking, mountain biking, and Jeep roads. The varied terrain includes snow-capped mountains, deep canyons, cedar forests, arid deserts, and miles of bedrock. … [Read more...]