So, the next step was to test how scratch-resistant the case is. This test included my set of keys and placing a bunch of gear in my hiking day pack, then dropping the phone in a tight area with all my gear and letting the contents do its deed. The clear membrane is durable and in the end, there were a few small scratches on the screen but I chalked this up as not that big a deal since the case is designed to protect the phone, not necessarily itself. And when I removed the case, the screen on the phone was perfectly fine.
Test # 3 was to see how the case integrates with my setup in my Jeep TJ. I’ve got a RAM Mount for this phone and I wanted to ensure the phone, with case, would work with my dash mount as I like to use the phone for navigation while in the city. The case fit just fine and not only did it perform as it always does in the Jeep, I found it to do a nice job of protecting the phone from dust and debris which is frequent while in the backcountry in a Jeep vehicle or hike.
Any complaints? Yes. This case, as nice as it is, does have some drawbacks. For one, it is NOT waterproof. It is not designed to be submerged in water and I highly suggest NOT doing so. I knew the case wasn’t designed for this purpose originally so I didn’t find this out the hard way. Still, this is important for those who seek a case that will protect their phone on a snow run or carry it with them while kayaking down a river. A solution to this is to pick-up a small SealLine bag to place your phone in when you know you’ll be in wet conditions.
In addition, I had read a number of complaints about the kickstand on the back of the case and its lack of durability. I haven’t broken the kickstand yet but I can tell from its design that the second generation Defender Series needs to address the thickness and hinge on the kickstand to keep it from breaking easily.