Easter Jeep Safari is one of those must attend events…at least once in your life. The opportunity came up and I took it this year. This would be my second EJS event, the first was back in 2003 Feasting on the Slickrock Trails. This year however I asked my dad to come along. It was a long overdue father son trip indeed. My dad is the one that inspired the off-highway adventure nature I have, although he won’t admit it, it is also where I get a little bit of the *crazier side I have. Having never wheeled or trekked out west my dad was inspired with the geological aspects as well the flora and fauna found in the area.
- P.S. Night Run finishing up.
The big day was a combined three trail run: Poison Spider, Golden Spike, Rusty Nail (reverse) with our gang of 6 rigs. For each of the rigs running it it was an initiation run in some form or fashion. For me it was the very first maiden run with my newly installed 5.3 Vortech v-8. Let’s just say I finally found my pedal by the second day. The first night in Moab I was definitely pedal shy, I had been to Area BFE (another great article on Area BFE in www.JPFreek.com summer 2009 issue) as well an obligatory and now standard protocol Poison Spider night run. Those who know me well and my typical 4 cylinder style of “throttle-heavy induced wheeling” placed bets on 20 minutes time. That is 20 minutes before I end up with rubber facing the sky…not even out on the trail just on the pavement! BTW I beat all bets and will be collecting soon!
- Area BFE
When I finally got my dad out on the slickrock, especially coming up to obstacles my fathers demeanor began to change slightly. Not in a bad way but he was finally coming to terms with the realization that he had either created a monster or it must have been the damn mailman. By the time we got to Rusty Nail’s “no left turn obstacle” (right turn as we ran the trail in reverse) my father completly regarded us all a “a bunch of frikkin nutcases” he meant that in a nice way of course! If you have been to or attempted the obstacle you know that it could cause some tension, especially if this was your first time coming to an area like this. Basically the obstacle runs along a cliff drop-off of about 1000 feet or so. I have to say it has been my favorite obstacle ever to traverse, and I will say did it quite eloquently at that. It was a great trip overall.
- No Left Turn (No Right Turn the way we ran it).

Die Trying Top Sirloin with Skillet Sweet Potato & Roasted Corn
Thank you to this 7BG MOAB EJS trip Sponsors:
Epicurean Cutting Surfaces: 12×9 All Terrain Cutting Board/Strainer (as reviewed in JPFreek Adventure Magazine pages 158 -162) www.JPFreek.com
Snow Peak Luxury Camping Gear http://www.snowpeak.com/
Crane Hi-Clearance www.cranehiclearance.com
(*sidenote from a 2007 trip to Moab: PSNR: “I may be crazy but I’m not stupid!!! “)